A Hard Decision

Kinda a glass half full/half empty situation ... lucky to have the over the counter pill, unlucky to require it. Now, what I'm waiting for is the pill which provides an opportunity for its use !
Guess till then I'll need to rely on charm, personality and Floris No 89 ... or maybe their desperation and the sympathy vote.

JohnnyO. o/
I'm not sure I understand the thinking of "I'm too embarrassed to discuss erectile dysfunction with my GP who has a duty of confidentiality and a private office, I'd rather ask for it over the counter in a crowded Boots."
Definitely see where you're coming from. I think the stigma with going to a GP surgery to admit there's an issue to an individual would be the deterrent. Being able to purchase over the counter gives some inconspicuousness in the eyes of the purchaser, I guess. Seems backwards but it's the anonymity in crowds that would probably boost sales.

Of course, my view is merely speculation!

Edit: It probably mitigates some of the stigma associated with requiring viagra if you can buy it off the shelves.
From reading the article I think you'd need to request it from the Pharmacist as they'd need to be satisfied that you had no contraindicating health conditions or existing medication. I don't think it'll be off the shelf.
2nd line in... serves me right for skim-reading! I guess the point still stands - I often go to the counter for larger quantities of non-prescription painkillers and no-one bats an eyelid, nor do I concern myself with what others might be thinking.
Don't know I'd want to discuss my medical matters with the receptionist at the surgery ... ours always enquire as to the nature of your condition before advising you ( unasked ) as to whether the practise sister may be able to assist without the need to see a locum. Since I'm guessing this ad hoc triage system has been implemented by the practise we're kinda stuck with it.

JohnnyO. o/