A few observations

Sunday November 29, 2009
Just thought i would put down a few ideas/thoughts about some the shaving practices i have found to be useful.

1) Whether you use a DE or straight, a very sharp edge is advantagous (obviously!). Change the blade after one or two shaves in your DE. Keeping a straight sharp is part of the fun.
2) When i have a tube or tub of cream coming to the end, i save it and blend several together in one tub to produce a very unique cream. Try blending very masculine or floral scents together, comes out real good!!
3) One planet aftershave balm, very cheap and very effective, recommended.
4) Sharp blade, ie Feather, in a mild DE razor.
5) Shaving oil, very, very effective. There are a few on the market, you need to try them to see what works for you. If you dont want to shave with them, they make for a very effective aftershave balm.
6) Talcum powder is an excellent product to use on your face after applying aftershave. Kills the sting, soothes the skin and hides any redness. A little on a dry flannel and then gently patted on your skin, works surprisingly well!

Hope this helps.

Have fun.
Good stuff lenny

The key for me has been finding a razor/blade combo that strikes the right balance. And then becoming it's absolute master. While I was trying different razors and blades it was like being on a journey constantly interrupted by changing train or bus.

Then it was settling on a small collection of brushes - four, soon to be five. They all work great for me and each has different characteristics so that I can take full advantage of a variety of creams and soaps. I know I will probably find 'better' brushes but I like my present brushes the more I use them and become aware of the little tricks that gets the best out of them.

Then the passing of time has improved my shaving technique which now enables me to enjoy the real indulgence: soaps and creams. Putting a halt to buying these will be a never ending challenge which I will fail. And I won't bother. I find about a dozen is a nice rotation - don't have to wait too long for a repeat. I'm thinking of applying the same discipline as I do with my bell collecting. If a new one comes in, one has to go. I have to constantly compare a prospective new bell with my least favourite. And it's quite interesting how often it withstands the challenge. So I don't buy.

Not too fussed about the after shave phase - just like a really good moisturiser. DR Harris roses and cucumber milk serves me well. As for pre shave oils, I'll pass on that one.
Lenny, personally I'm not sure that I can agree with any of your points however that doesn't mean to say they are wrong.

I belive it was Ernesto 'Che' Guevara de la Serna who said "now, the World don't move to the beat of just one drum and what might be right for you might not be right for some".
joe mcclaine said:
I belive it was Ernesto 'Che' Guevara de la Serna who said "now, the World don't move to the beat of just one drum and what might be right for you might not be right for some".


What you talkin' 'bout Vinny?