A drawn was done and winner came from Britain

Hello, this are just a couple of pictures about the last razor my brother in law and I have made and the first one was raffled.
The winner send to us these pictures. Wow! He improved the product. Do you think it seems beautiful or not?
It took place at a wellknown social network.
And the winner was from County Durham
That's why I'm sharing. The first one went to UK.

Very nice, Gustavo. My brass OC Seygus was that shiny once It has now developed a lovely patina, because I use it more often than my other DE razors. How do you decide how many teeth to have on the comb? Mine has 12, not 11 - and the end teeth are thicker than in the new model...
Hello, Andreas
There are two models, the former, with 13 teeth and less gap; this one, with 11 teeth, more gap and more in touch with the face, and those of 12 teeth, very unusual. In fact there were just 5 units with 12 teeth.
This was a decision made by people in the workshop, after some people feedback were that they need a more aggressive one.
I just use 13 teeth, as those made by Gillette.
By the way, baking powder and white vinegar make up as a liquid "crop", a dough, is a good tarnish cleaner for brass and bronze objects if you rub them with a soft rag or a brushteeth.