A Couple of Handles (Not for Forks…)

I’ve tried that and the grain gets lost against the olive background. I will use all three logos depending on where they need to go. Thank you, all opinions are very welcome indeed!

Maybe grain wasn't the correct word. I meant replace the Olive with Brown to leave Brown/White wood on the Olive background with the Olive and White circles and White 11 on Brown background. In my minds eye it looks OK but a "real" image may look too busy.
I’m just chuffed that you’re offering useful suggestions. I had come up with something similar to what you suggest (I think?!) but the constructive criticism on a Facebook group was that it was exactly that- too busy. My handles are simplistic rustic, organic creations and I wanted a logo to reflect this. I am grateful for your input, sir.
Nice work. Your banner style one seems to me using a different typeface to the other 2 (Sabon?)

I agree, the colours are fine left as they are. The only thing that is making me unsettled is that the right hand 1 in "11" is a tiny bit too far to the right, which makes the space between the 2 digits a tad large, but also off-centre. If it came to the middle a tiny bit, you'd have an even space between the serif at the foot and the circle. I'm being REALLY picky cos it's so close to being bang on.

I also wonder if there is a typeface that would echo the hand tooled nature of your whittling? Can't think of an easy answer to that last question though.
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