A change from TOBS?

Over the last 6 months or so of Wet Shaving I tried all sorts of creams and soaps . I haven't found anything yet that touches TOBS. Ive tried Proraso, D.R Harris, Bluebeard, MWF, Edwin Jagger and Liz Earl . I keep coming back to either TOBS or MWF mainly. One surprise you might try is Liz Earl Sensitive Shave Cream. My partner brought me a tester of this as she is so into their products. It performed very well. I have true T&H or Cyril Slaters yet , but they are on my list for xmas.

I know some folks shun Pre shave treatments , but I have found the Edwin Jagger Hydrating pre shave extremely useful in my early days of this skill (as long as your cool with menthol :icon_smile
Great tips!

I've been changing between the TOBS and Proraso since I got them, and I'm liking both!

I have also changed how I apply the cream, following some advice regarding the Palm Olive stick, instead of using the brush to whip up the lather straight from the bowl of cream, I'm getting a bit messy and sticking my fingers in, and lightly smearing the cream over my face. I have found it lathers much thicker (not watery like I used to get) and the amount left on the brush is easily enough for a second pass.

I've also found by doing it this way, my skin feels slightly powdered at the end (which I like) and the smell that is left is lovely, I usually wouldn't smell what's left, but even my friends have commented on 'what aftershave am I wearing', which is great because I wasn't wearing any, it was the smeLl of the shave haha.

You'll probably laugh at me now, as no doubt that is the way its 'supposed' to be done? ;-)

Thanks again for great advice, once again, from TSR.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes the Jermyn Street flavour of TOBS!
It rarely gets a mention

However I would recommend a Palmolive shave stick as they are cheap (50p at supermarkets), smell okay and are different to using creams. Currently I am still using a soap which my fiancée got me a year and four months ago!
I love TOBS as well to the extent that I have bought every cream currently. Strangely Jermyn street gives me irritation and I can't get on with it. My favourite to date is either grapefruit or eton college. Others worth trying IMO are Harris Arlington and Trumpers coconut also can't go wrong with prof blighty's grapewood