A brush for face lathering

I like it! - and we'd need a different brush that we can fill with cream, thus enabling us to justify purchasing 2 (at a minimum) additional brushes.

I'm just nipping down the patent office...
I've been reading this thread with a mounting sense of puzzlement. I have quite a few brushes, mostly badgers, in varying lofts and hair types and stiffnesses, and with the exception of one of the Vie Long horses that I think may be a slightly duff one to start with, and the body shop synthetic, they all work great. I face lather almost exclusively and they all do the business. Some feel a little nicer, some whip up lather a little faster, but...


I think we have pretty cooperative water here. Maybe that's it.
I face lather 99.9999% of the time. Because despite DE shaving Im still a lazy arse and want to get the job done quickly.

Out of the three brushes I have the one I favour most is one made by Fido, I cant remember the code number now but it was a very limited run of wood handle ones. Its quite a scrubby little number and suits me right down to the ground because it works perfectly with everything.

BUT, its horses for courses. What I love and use you might find bloody awful.
Got my omega boar brush yesterday.
Now the first thing is this my first use of a boar brush in something like 6 years. I've only used badger since, and my previous bristle brush I only had for a month or do and binned it.
So I have no idea how this will evolve.

Our of the packaging the brush felt soft, or rather the tips did. The backbone was really stiff though. This struck me as perfect for face lathering. Nice soft ends on a brush that doesn't collapse under pressure.
My first attempt to face lather was a disaster. I decided to go with Arko as I've been using this a few times recently and it gave me a good comparison. It just wouldn't lather. And then I noticed it. The smell. Like wet dog. Yuk.
But I persevered. Washed off everything, rubbed my face with Arko again and lathered up. Much better this time. It still smells of wet dog though.
2nd pass and I notice something else. The brush doesn't hold anywhere near as much lather. There's no way I'm getting three passes out of this.
So in a moment of unscientific spontaneity I did the third pass using prorasos new eucalyptus and menthol cream. Which I've never used before.
Now whether this was the brush starting to lose any residue that prevented it lathering, or just proraso being awesome I don't know, but this lathered well and applied nicely.

In conclusion then. I'm underwhelmed. I know the smell fades and that's a good thing. I know the brush will break in but will it ever be as good as any of my three badgers? Not sure.
I love the feel, but the performance so far has been poor. It didnt lather well, I needed more soap than I would usually need and the brush doesn't hold lather well making it hard to get a third pass if face lathering.

I will persevere though and report back.
Lol! Omega's stink! In fact I've had my omega for a while now and done many test lathers and it still stinks.

Still, it performs quite well though.