A BBC snippet

One of the original " champage socialists " ? Or just an ideal way of exercising a monopoly by doing away with any competition.

JohnnyO. o/
You should read the original paper the article/podcast is based on:

King Camp Gillette sold expensive razors and cheap blades until he was removed from the company in 1930 by Henry Gaisman, the man who then started the Razor-and-blade game properly and turned Gillette into what it has become today.
Well I bought a DE razor to get away from loss leader pricing. No way am I going back to expensive cartridges. As for the printer I use a laser no inkjet rip offs. Won't go near a Nespresso either: De Longhi machine which allows me to choose my coffee. Lock in models are for mugs.
...King Camp Gillette sold expensive razors and cheap blades until he was removed from the company in 1930 by Henry Gaisman, the man who then started the Razor-and-blade game properly and turned Gillette into what it has become today.

Actually, Gaisman patented the modern safety razor blade (DE) several months before King Gillette in 1904. He was a fascinating man who lived past 100 and was as shrewd financially as he was inventive. However, Gillette barely made it through the 1930's in an era without government "gravy train" bailouts. Jos. P. Spang, appointed Pres. in 1938, was the one who turned the co. around.
Do you have a patent number or other source for that claim?
Mugs of coffee? P.