73 yrs. Ago

It's amazing what colours do in terms of making it feel more "real" or closer to me in time and place. Thanks for posting.

You're welcome. I can only wince when I think back to the D-Day vets I knew growing up and what they would say about our World's current state. Most of the WWII vets I knew were battle hardened realists about life and accepted evil for what it was......right before they killed it. They didn't light candles & hold prayer vigils singing infantile songs.
Indeed, my dad survived being torpedoed twice in the Atlantic, and two uncles were at the Yangtse with the Navy and Arnheim with the Paras respectively. I wear my Help for Heroes gear with great pride, they were men of their generation ( and I mean Men ! ) and I'm happy to wholeheartedly salute them.

Johnny .