4711 is considered unisex by the people who make it. Apparently it was issued to U Boat crews in WW2 to keep the men feeling a little fresher, there being no shower facilities on small subs - true also of diesel subs in the UK, up until the mid Eighties at least.
Had a smell of this in Boots this morning and its lovely.Just ordered some from 'cheapsmells' and I can imagine another order going in shortly for the 300ml refill bottle! I think this may replace my 20 year love of Jovan Musk Oil for Men:blush:
I knew I'd become more sophisticated joining this forum!
I brought some of this last week from eBay they seem to be really cheap but agree that this fragrance is rally nice but doesn't last very long. I also agree similar to DR Harris Arlington
My old nan (God rest her) loved this. I know that many on here also like the smell of Mitchells Wool Fat. I wonder what it is that tempts so many male shavers to smell like old ladies... :angel:

I have this cologne and found it very pleasant for summer. In fact, it has a very similar scent to Dr Harris Arlington cream so I usually combine both in my shaves.

finally got a whiff of this today - Boots here usually has an empty tester bottle so you just get the pleasure of pressing the top and none of the fragrance.

anyhoo, lovely lemony scent as im sure you'll all know - very similar to WARS aftershave (altho im pretty sure we all know who copied who )
I get the lemon but lots of other florals in there. I wasn't sure about it at first but, yeah, it's good for a manly man. Well, me anyway!