3D Printed SE Safety Razor

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3D printed razors are a great idea. A good quality plastic razor should easily last a lifetime and no problems with corrosion. It surprises me there are not many options available.
I think it's really that there isn't much money to be made there - inexpensive materials mean low profit margins and the necessity to mass produce.
People are also trying to get their use of plastic down if they can these days.
So it's mostly down to hobbyist designs, outside of the few produced by Gillette and a few manufacturers based in China.

My thoughts on the MARS: https://www.theshavingroom.co.uk/co..._nodes]=1&c[nodes][0]=14&c[users]=pjgh&o=date

I had the first generation. The second generation is the one you can buy today which revised the head and provided the half-DE or injector baseplates.

On balance, I thought it was really good!
I do, great product, should be details on the Mars website
Actually, not.

What about the plates? Have you got specs?
I mean, gap / exposure of each one.
If not, what is you fav? And why?

I've asked the designer via FB Messenger.
At the moment, no answer.
Have you got his email?
I have a MARS. You might call them Plates, but they are more like spacers. There are 10, marked 1 to 10. No. 1 is too mild, no. 10 is too aggressive. Somewhere in the middle is right for you. It is a single edge razor.
The shave is great. You can get a close shave without cuts or scraping the face. It reminds me of a plastic throwaway razor in use, but the shave is better, and the running cost is £3 for 100 single edge blades.