1924- First Outing- it bites !


Saturday April 19, 2014
Kent UK
Having given up Cartridge shaving a year ago, i started on DE path, and acquired
2/3 razors,and trialled a few blades. After a while technique improved.

Reading this forum, thought would look at some SE razors for interest sake.I got a
ER featherweight & !912 [ looked daunting ]. got some blades and tried F/Weight
did not get on at all.

Decided after reading TSR,to try 1912. Really great experience. Now getting hooked.
so acquired different razors, including 1924,MM FW, 1914 + Streamline.

After good week with MM FW, decided to try the 1924. Took time loading the blade,
as seems easy to get it mis -aligned, possibly stopper closed up a bit.First strokes
on RH of face, proved to me that this razor needed to be treated with care. This was
proved when crossing from cheek to chin, when i got a small nick.Finished up, with
slight weeper on chin. Did upper lip with DE !! until more adept with the 1924.
Shave was very good and possibly closer than with other SE razors tried so far.

Will carry on with the !924,till blade change time. Then maybe the Streamline Beckons.
If you like the 1912 I fancy you'll get on just great with the Streamline. If anything I find my Streamline just a tad milder than the 1912. But oh the look of it on the bathroom window sill !

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.
Don't discount the Featherweight - it ripped off a good few days of growth in one go the other day for me, just a second polishing up pass necessary.

Yeah, the 1924 can bite you've got to keep that tiger on a short leash.
My newly arrived 1924 is in the ultrasonic bath as I type this... I never realised it was a 'bitey tiger', better watch out. On the featherweight, my Friday shave with mine was a seventh on the blade and spectacularly smooth, a great razor..
pjgh said:
Don't discount the Featherweight - it ripped off a good few days of growth in one go the other day for me, just a second polishing up pass necessary.

Yeah, the 1924 can bite you've got to keep that tiger on a short leash.

+1 Featherweight is amazing. I just did 3 days growth in 3 passed to DFS.

It is razor to use when you tired or annoyed because you know no matter what it will treat you well!
The Wasp said:
First outing for the 1924 this morning, on two days growth. I was shocked...possibly the best shave of my life.....

Yes indeed, i do so wish I had had almost any SE back in the 1960s when I had to be well turned out for parades and inspections. BBS finish with nary a nick or a weeper. Trust me, it just gets better.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.