1912, Junior, Lather Catcher confusion

Saturday July 9, 2011
I've been reading up on SE Razors and I'm a bit confused about the 1912s, LCs and the Juniors.

Some razors referred to as Junior look just like the 1912 to my eyes. Others seem to be in the older pattern, i.e. larger heads and styling similar to the lather catchers.

Is "Junior" just a brand name that covers several different types of razor i.e. the lather catcher style and the 1912 style? Is "lather catcher" a distinct type of razor or are all "Juniors".

Actually, any clarification about the SE model line up from that age would be great!

(I'm guessing that, as marketing wasn't as sophisticated back then, product ranges weren't as clearly defined as they are these days)
You'll find that a lot of the SE are the same. Gem is the same razor as Ever-Ready, is the same razor as Star. If you buy a 1912 Gem it's exactly the same razor as the other two. Then you'll find the Junior has the same head as the 1912! It's like they were made in the same factory on the same machines! I believe that I read somewhere that it was the same building?
It really easier to buy this way: if you see a Gem 1912 for X money and E-R for X/2 you buy the E-R!
I've finally found the answer to my question, if anyone's interested!

The Junior name was used twice: Firstly, for the 1900 and 1901 bar razors. These were lather catchers (ie large curved heads to hold the shaved lather) with a bar that flips down to secure the blade. Secondly, some of the 1912 pattern razors were called junior. Notably the ones with the large black plastic handles (hardly very "junior").
I've tried to collect as many different models as has been possible. The 1912 of all three brands are the same. They actually merged into one company. The JR models that I've bought all have the same heads as the 1912's . The large black handled JR is the same as the older JR; that's the same as the 1912. Seems there was very little truth in advertising back then!!! The only difference that I've found in any of them is the OC vs CC.
...and the 1914 that looks like it should have come before the 1912. If you buy one, be very careful of the 1914's blade placement!
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