Zafirro Razor $100,000.00 !!!!

& if he doesn't I just bet I can guess who bought 3 or 4 of them in a box of shaving stuff at a car boot for a tenner ...................................

JohnnyO. \:blush:
The Titanium one is only £1,250 for cheapskates out there.

Probably works out cheaper than using a Fusion over the 20 years that they claim the blades last.

Dagnabbit! If they weren't sold out I'd be all over this.
If you had the money and the inclination and saw one second hand on ebay for £30,000 how pissed off would you be if you got it and discovered your handle was plastic and the cartridge head was a rusty blunt Sensor Excel one?
I want 2 one for display and 1 to shave with they will only increase in value as time goes on.
What will it be worth in 30/40 years
I think I'll order a few for stocking fillers...


Professor Blighty said:
Now, if someone gets one of these in the secret santa we'll all know who it's from!

Oh nuts, I hadn't thought of that. Better go back to my original plan that may or may not involve Erasmic shave sticks. See? I'm not giving it away this time! :sleepy:
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