Will a shavette give a closer shave than a DE razor?

Thursday July 30, 2020
How close a shave will a shavette razor achieve compared to a DE razor? I'm probably a bit prone to obsession but wanted a really close shave that left me BBS for at least 12 hours - seen some youtube videos of shavettes but am unclear whether getting a shavette will in any way improve the shaving end product. Your opinions, views, and thoughts are required and welcome . Thanks.
Might be different for everyone. I can get a very close shave with a shavette, straight or DE/SE but once all stubble is gone your done no matter the tool you've used. A lot depends on the rate your hair grows. For me personally BBS is not that important, after a hour it's gone anyway.
No I don't think it will be closer, different shave/experience yes but not closer. With a good shavette (feather AC) you will get a very good shave but I get a better closer shave from my Timeless .95 and the hawk v3 but I've still got two shavettes that I use when I feel like a change.
I feel like my face is derma planed with an AC type blade using an AC straight razor.
However if you do a 4 pass shave with any razor you will be completely smooth.
Don't have either the SS or DX anymore but when I did my experience was an extremely close shave but what makes it superior to a DE is how quickly you can get BBS, having said that speed won't be a thing if your just starting out. I found them to be very sharp almost too sharp think if I made an investment in the future it would be for a straight razor just think the shavettes tend to bite. Would pick a DE over a shavette though for ease of use and a consistently smooth shave
Shavette is a lot harder to use than a straight. The chances of a cut are, well, a certainty. BBS 12 hours later! I'd think that impossible unless you're about 8yrs old. After an hour or so, that sandpaper feel returns.
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I definitely get closer with my Feather SS Artist Club than a DE. I find it is a lot more manoeuvrable too, especially under my nostrils. 2 passes and I'm very close to BBS and that's good enough for me most days.
I agree 100%
I actually rotate between AC SE's ( Brass General ), my Feather DX and my vintage Schick with chick blades.
All give me a great shave, much better than any DE !
I think my point is.....with the correct technique you are not guaranteed to cut yourself. I apologise if I have offended you........but you did say opinions were welcome
Well, it depends. Some DE razors are pre-set as too mild. You may need plenty of passes (or perhaps intensive buffing) to achieve BBS. Which may be rather boring and generally not good for your skin.
Whereas with an SR it's you to decide how wild you'd go.
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