Wii Owners... Tiger Woods PGA Tour '10

Friday July 10, 2009
Little Feckwittering-on-the-Moor
You need it - no excuses.

I have absolutely no interest in golf whatsoever, but Tiger & I just played a round with Monty and thrashed his miserable ass at Banff Springs :D

Has the WiiMotion Plus thing and it really does seem to make a noticeable difference to the accuracy of the motion sensing. (In fact that was the primary reason behind buying the game to get a second one to go with Wii Sports Resort - and in effect a "cheap" game with it) since the WMP sells for about £20 and I got the TWPT10 for under £30 with one.

The WiiMotion Plus thing doesn't work with games that aren't aware of it, so don't expect to suddenly discover that Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07/'08/'09 are suddenly any good :lol:
ohh I may purchase the attachment, I modded my wii to play backups :lol: so I will see if I can get an 'evaluation' copy of the game.
I am looking at rock band at the moment. I see a Beatles song pack will be released so may go and purchase a guitar for some fun.Anyone else got it?
Hunny once I get toger 10 I will shout you with my ID and we can have a game sometime.
I have guitar hero for the PS2 so not plannign on getting it for the Wii. Later in the year when we're into the colder, (even) wetter weather I'll probably pick up a few new games for the Wii. Number 1 son and I really enjoyed Super Mario Kart last Xmas/winter - I like the boys to get fresh air and sunshine when it's available. :)
well its been pissing down here for a month solid lol, I am going back to Glasgow tomorrow for some better weather!!! now there is a first.
ROTFL @ this - obviously Boab was on the inside track here... this from August 4th.... (my bold)

Boab said:
I am looking at rock band at the moment. I see a Beatles song pack will be released so may go and purchase a guitar for some fun.Anyone else got it?
Hunny once I get toger 10 I will shout you with my ID and we can have a game sometime.

I see "Gillette [are] to 'limit' Tiger Woods's role" in the fall out from "Hydrantgate"
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