White Russian fans?

Hello all - wondering if there are any White Russian drinkers in the UK?

A colleague who is a massive Big Lebowski fan has asked for the ingredients of White Russian as a pressie. It will be the first time she has drunk the stuff.

No problem, I thought. Vodka, Kahlua & milk/cream combo. It's the latter that I'm struggling with. Many of the cocktails online quote US ingredients - "half & half" - half milk & cream pre-mixed. Any experience of this in the UK? Or assume its a matter of mixing cream & milk then add to the cocktail :unsure:
I like one occasionally. I'm also torn because if I'm serving one to a guest it's nice to have the cream floating on the spirit to let them stir it themselves, but if you do milk+cream premixed it is hard to get it to float. To drink it for myself I use milk equal to the combined spirit volume and add just a dash of cream, all stirred in the serving glass. It gets a bit sickly for my tastes with all cream or even half and half.

The trick is to experiment in the hope of getting it just right before you pass out!
Used to work in an Edinburgh cocktail bar. One of my favourites was a "Dirty Mother" which swapped the vodka for tequila ie equal amounts of tequila, kahlua and cream shaken with ice. The tequila definitely adds something.
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