What´s your jinx...

Thursday April 15, 2010
Do you have some kind of ritual/jinx when shaving?

I have to take out my Proraso gel and put it on the zink beside the Proraso post/pre tube, otherwise I think I will cut my self :lol: ... Or does that classify as compulsive behavior? :eek:
No, nothing related to shaving. I do however have this silly habit of rearraning the Nespresso cups in the 8x8 (?) dispenser box whenever I take one (or more) out, so that the remaining cups always form a symmetric pattern...
The prefect molecule shaped cups Henk, as a chemist you know you cant have a any imbalance or one will fly off into the room.

Weird as it sounds, brushing my teeth....I never noticed as I normally shave in the morning when I have showered and brushed teeth etc. A while back I shaved after dinner and shaving with the taste of food in my mouth was strange. It was niggling me when I prepping my face and filling the sink and it was when I was about to take the razor to my face I cracked and had to stop and brush my teeth, I justified this by saying to myself that I was giving my face some time for the lather to soak and soften the hair but it was a compulsion I could not stop.
Actually, having given this some thought, do have one.

When I rinse my face before or after a shave, I always splash my face an even number of times, I never finish rinsing on an odd number. I have no idea why, but that's what I always do, and it's definitely compulsive behaviour.

Going slightly off track, but still with the compulsive theme, when I get served a plate of food on a circular plate, before I start eating I will always rotate the plate unitl the layout of the food looks 'right'. If I can't get it 'right' I just eat it, and I never do it with elliptical plates.

No shaving related ones, as yet, but I too rotate the plate so that the meat is in front of me. It bugs me if the meat is ever in the centre surrounded by veg.

I think this is common to most children but my children as I used don't like any 2 food stuffs touching on a plate. Even now I prefer to have baked beans in a side dish with a fry up rather than on the plate.

When I was a smoker I always used to rub the filter of a fresh ciggy on my front teeth, I think partly so I knew I was lighting the right end.
I don't think i have any symptoms of OCD OCD OCD OCD OCD OCD.

(Sorry when i say/type/write that i have to do it 6 times! Not sure why...) ;)
For me it's splashing my face exactly 11 times or else everything will fail :D. On another, not shaving-related, note, I have a strong dislike for even numbers so everything must be odd (TV volume, slices of bread, you name it). I know it's OCD, I'm a psychologist.
I strop in multiples of six. This started with doing chisels: six on the bevel, one on the back; now it's a multiple of six time back and forth with the razor. If by mistake I do nineteen, then it has to go up to two dozen. I wouldn't have considered admitting to this if I hadn't read some of the previous posts... ;)
Too many to name - actual OCD diagnosis... though the label is rarely used by my medical people directly to my face; CBT therapist will occasionally say stuff like: "sometimes people with obsessive traits and behaviours, such as yourself, ..."

Anecdote: When I came home from therapy one day, I mentioned to SWMBA that I had just received the official OCD diagnosis/label. Her immediate response was: "D'uh! No shit Sherlock." Her supportive displays of understanding, sympathy and affection are bound to make me blush. :roll:

Anyhow, the immediate current shave behaviour I desperately want to curb is my inability to make single strokes and minimise the number of times I go over any given patch of skin multiple times (especially without rinsing razor and/or skin) in any single 'pass'. I know intellectually that I'm not trying for "BBS", and that I want to better my technique skill sets, but hearing the razor rasp over stubble, compels me to try and 'clean it up a bit better'.
Urban Hermit said:
Anecdote: When I came home from therapy one day, I mentioned to SWMBA that I had just received the official OCD diagnosis/label. Her immediate response was: "D'uh! No shit Sherlock." Her supportive displays of understanding, sympathy and affection are bound to make me blush. :roll:

Ha ha, it must be nice to have someone to support you :lol:
None myself.

Already mentioned but my Brother can only have the volume on his car stereo on an even number.

His ex would always answer questions using sentences containing words numbering multiples of 3.

. . . I've no idea why.

My ex had this annoying compulsive disorder of taking when she should have been listening.
joe mcclaine said:
My ex had this annoying compulsive disorder of taking when she should have been listening.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have to check the weather forecast in the evening before setting out my cream/AS/ASB combo for the following morning. This might be excusable if the forecast wasn't wrong 50% of the time.
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