What are you reading at the moment?

On Silver Wings by Evan Currie Couldn't afford the next installment of Odyssey One but this was on offer. Again a good rip roaring tale nothing too deep or heavy but still engrossing. Not sure what happened on the SMIRKING front but the over/misuse of the word was driving me barmy by the end, a shame to spoil it.

Molly Fyde saga by Hugh Howey the author of the Wool series. Got it ages ago as a grow into series for my daughters and forgot all about it. Found it the other day and dipped in because I couldn't remember what it was about - not perfect but I'm onto the third book. It's a little simple but convoluted and relies on Deus Machina a little too much but some nice ideas and a couple of good characters.
Found an Agatha Christie that relates to some of the issues from this Forum! Cards on the Table. Reading it now. Starts off with antique Snuff Boxes and then moves on to contracting Anthrax from Shave Brushes.
Interesting book 1/2 through and still haven't figured out Who Did It!!
thoroughly enjoyed Gods Of Guilt now back on to some sci-fi

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville.

Enjoying it at the moment but boy did this fella swallow a thesaurus or summat?
Mike Carter, One man and his bike.
Whilst cycling to work one day instead of turning left, he goes straight on and decides to pedal around the UK coastline.
Great read so far and he's only gone from Essex to Hull
Another very enjoyable book from this author.

"Terms of Enlistment (Frontlines Book 1)" & "Lines of Departure (Frontlines Book 2)" by Marko Kloos (1£" written in First Person which is not usually a favourite of mine but a thoroughly enjoyable couple of reads. The second one is a bit of a mess towards the end, I think he'd had too much fun writing the character bits and left himself with a difficult job tying it all up. How/if he'll do a third who knows?

"I am Legend" by Richard Matheson - The inspiration for much of the Zombie Apocalypse media we know and love, dragging the undead into the 20th Century so to speak. Also the inspiration for 4 films notably "The Omega Man" with Charleton Heston and "I am Legend" with Will Smith. Not an 'easy' book to read and as much about loneliness as "Vampires" with a twist in it's tail that caught me.
Count of Undolpho said:
"I am Legend" by Richard Matheson - The inspiration for much of the Zombie Apocalypse media we know and love, dragging the undead into the 20th Century so to speak. Also the inspiration for 4 films notably "The Omega Man" with Charleton Heston and "I am Legend" with Will Smith. Not an 'easy' book to read and as much about loneliness as "Vampires" with a twist in it's tail that caught me.

Love this book. It's such a great story and never been done justice in the films based on it. Great book.
It wasn't quite what I was expecting but I was gripped immediately: creepy, disquieting and thought provoking.
I have a couple of other ebooks of his stuff that I am now looking forward to; "The Incredible Shrinking Man", Nightmare at 20,000 Feet: Horror Stories (20 Tales) and "Hell House". Considering I am not a fan of Horror books or films I can't think of a better recommendation of "I am Legend".
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