Vintage Shaving Scuttle/Mug


Thursday January 10, 2019
Hi all!
Do any of you use a vintage Scuttle.
I'm interested in how you use the type that has holes in the top. I have one identical to this...

My question is.
How do you guys use it? YouTube videos offer differing ideas.
Some say put a Puck in the top, others say just put your loaded brush in the top, others say lather in the bowl.

I was seriously thinking about sealing the hole up, I don't really see the need if it has a Puck seated in it or if I'm using it to bowl lather...

Interested in your thoughts!
Hot water in the main body, puck on top, is my understanding. I've never really understood what benefits these offer over a plastic or ceramic container to hold your soap in, a sink full of hot water and a bowl/your face to build the lather. They might have made sense if hot water was in short supply, but I's guess that isn't a problem for most people these days.
I use one, I fill mine with hot water and firstly use it to soak the brush whilst i prep my face, if i'm shaving with a DE then after the brush comes out to start building up my lather then the razor goes in the scuttle to warm up, and in between passes, i rest the brush on top when not in use. If i'm shaving with a straight then i really just use it as a brush stand, i bowl lather and use the basin filled with hot water to float my bowl of lather on so that it keeps warm, keeping the brush in the bowl would upset the balance and tip it over.

In reality i could easily live without it, but it cost me £3 in a charity shop, looks nice in the bathroom and makes my routine a little easier.
I use one, I fill mine with hot water and firstly use it to soak the brush whilst i prep my face, if i'm shaving with a DE then after the brush comes out to start building up my lather then the razor goes in the scuttle to warm up, and in between passes, i rest the brush on top when not in use. If i'm shaving with a straight then i really just use it as a brush stand, i bowl lather and use the basin filled with hot water to float my bowl of lather on so that it keeps warm, keeping the brush in the bowl would upset the balance and tip it over.

In reality i could easily live without it, but it cost me £3 in a charity shop, looks nice in the bathroom and makes my routine a little easier.
+1 on how to use, that's what I do with mine.
I have read that back in the day a man had one hard soap... So he would shave thin pieces off onto the top and lather them up...kinda sounds right to me...bottom obviously for water
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