The Wilkinson Kompakt

Monday February 9, 2015
Received this (courtesy of @Cha-wing!!), to me, very cool and attractive Wilkinson Sword Kompakt razor in the mail.
It doesn't hurt that this is yet another razor made by one of my favorite British designers Kenneth Grange back in 1988.


The Wilkinson Kompakt came out in at least three different models - gold, gray and red (plastic).


Photo courtesy of Henning B

The rather wide handle is hollow and can store up to three replacement cartridges.
The razor takes a number of blades such as Wilkinson Contact, Gillette Contour, etc.

It's a great, compact (dare I say "kompakt"?) concept for when travelling and at 75gr it feels great picking up.


The button ontop of the razor releases the cartridge - and by releasing I mean shoots it at least a foot or two out. A great way to entertain yourself in your hotel room should you get real bored.


The larger, wider handle feels very safe to hold on to and the textured rubber grip will most likely help reducing the risk of slipping or losing the grip while shaving.


The design does make think a bit of the Berkeley Custom Shaver (with its equally wide handle where you can store spare blades) - and I'm very much looking forward to trying this one out.

Berkeley Custom Shaver:
Mmm - I have one of the grey ones but the wife has lost the blade carrier/end cap. Come to think of it, where are my original Sensor and Protector handles? At least I still have my 90s Gillette Contour handles ..
I was actually surprised to read that she usually starts her day with a bowl of corn flakes. For some reason, I didn't expect the British Monarch to start her day off with a bowl of a quintessential American breakfast.

I think her reign might have been curtailed slightly if she started off the day with a quintessential English breakfast. At any rate she'd have had a similar dress size to her great, great Grandmother.
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