Testers wanted - not for Vegetarians

So, checked my emails, turns out I've ordered some Moroccan Sands. I must have been some weird shade of tired last night, can't remember even being on the site! Nice surprise though, really looking forward to it!
So, checked my emails, turns out I've ordered some Moroccan Sands. I must have been some weird shade of tired last night, can't remember even being on the site! Nice surprise though, really looking forward to it!
Whatever buddy, you know you saw my post ;)
Or I'm subliminally sending you messages in your sleep ;) sleep ordering may have to use that one!
If you post on here what you want to pre-order, I'll let you know when it's listed. I have also listed the Neroli and Down Home Summer now as out of stock; you should be able to ask for an email notification when the stock is listed.
@Gordy That reminds me of when I go shopping and by the time I get home I've forgotten some of the things I've bought. It feels like I'm getting free stuff when I unpack the shopping. :)
That reminds me of when I go shopping and by the time I get home I've forgotten some of the things I've bought. It feels like I'm getting free stuff when I unpack the shopping. :)

I kid you not, I still can't remember placing that order!
There have been times when I was driving back from work where I'd be sitting in the car in my driveway, wondering how the hell I got there, no recollection of driving home. Scares the bejesus out of me actually!
I kid you not, I still can't remember placing that order!
There have been times when I was driving back from work where I'd be sitting in the car in my driveway, wondering how the hell I got there, no recollection of driving home. Scares the bejesus out of me actually!

Not on statins are you Gordster ? Or, like me, just slowing down a bit on the old attention stakes.

JohnnyO. o/.
No statins JohnnyO, I reckon I'm just thinking about a lot of other things and then a little tiredness. It's happened with people in the car, apparently I'm lucid and no issues, just can't remember. I have talked to my doctor about it but as he knows me well, reckons I'm just never off the batter and I don't let my mind settle on one subject, I tend to agree but still scares me when it happens.
You could try meditation @Gordy. Good for settling the mind.
Neroli and Down Home Summer are now listed. Think I'll do some Yushu (Juniper Berry) as well.
Ordered. Do we usually pay via PayPal, Sharon. I have it in my mind that before now we have cut them out. Your 'Payemnt' choice only gave me PayPal.

Not on statins are you Gordster ? Or, like me, just slowing down a bit on the old attention stakes. JohnnyO. o/.

Please tell me about statins and memory, Good Sir J. @JohnnyO
I''ve always had Pay Pal as a payment option @Bechet ; for a brief time I had Google, but it stopped working and I don't know how to fix it. People without PP accounts can select the option 'checkout as guest' when they are taken to the PP page during check out, and then enter their card details.
Ordered. Do we usually pay via PayPal, Sharon. I have it in my mind that before now we have cut them out. Your 'Payemnt' choice only gave me PayPal.

Please tell me about statins and memory, Good Sir J. @JohnnyO

It's a disputed area Big Bro, so the thread may well end up being locked for all our sanity. Couple of informative books your library should be able to obtain for you are The Statin Damage Crisis & Lipitor, the Thief of memory. Both by former consultant to NASA, Duane Graveline M.D. M.P. H. He was a great advocate of statins and prescribed them as well as lecturing on their perceived benefits prior to being put on them himself and suffering transient global amnesia episodes followed by the further complication of rhabdomyolysis. In the intervening years he has become quite an authority and his works discuss, at fairly deep levels, ALS/Statin links, Peripheral Neuropathy, Permanent Myopathy, Neuromuscular Degeneration & Mitochondrial Mutations just to be going on with. Transient global amnesia as mentioned by Gordy is reported as occurring in association with statins which js why I was nosey and asked about it.

JohnnyO. o/.
Aha! that guy! My GP told me one or more of those symptoms could, in my case, be put down to statins so I should chose between them and the possibility of having foot and leg amputations, going blind, de dah. I chose memory loss and it's working!
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