TESCO observations

Wednesday October 13, 2010
Couple of weeks ago I noticed that my local TESCO had run out of their excellent (IMO) own branded IP blades. Bit odd I thought as they're usually a slow seller. Went in again last week and noticed that they had new stock but in new packaging - still made in Israel though.

They've also put up the price of the Palmolive stick from 48p to c.70p+

Are they cottoning on to a rise in DE shaving?
Asda had the sticks at 48p. I controlled myself.

They also had a pack of six extra special mince pies for £2. I couldn't resist these - they were yummy! :hungrig
"It might just be the time of year, everything goes up at Christmas...."

Yes, was thinking similar re the Palmolive sticks - men's toiletries, stocking fillers and all that. May as well stick an extra 20% or whatever on!
Perhaps they put the prices up for a few weeks so they can then bring them back down to their original price in a 'sale', proudly declaring 20, 25, 30% off etc.

This strategy probably doesn't apply to traditional shaving products... yet!!
PeterFranks said:
made in Israel

I never know whether I should boycott Israeli goods in support of the Palestinians.

Anyone have any info or ideas on this?

Would it be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, a bit of both or neither?
Rev-O said:
PeterFranks said:
made in Israel

I never know whether I should boycott Israeli goods in support of the Palestinians.

Anyone have any info or ideas on this?

Would it be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, a bit of both or neither?

And while we are at it we could boycott Chinese badger knot for their human rights record, Russian ones for the effects of the cold war and proliferation of nuclear weapons, US gillettes for the use of agent orange in viet nam, the list is endless! ;)
or Feathers because of Jap fishermen

Kill 'em all - let God sort it out

It may be rather blinkered of me, but personally I have always hated politics, and don't think politics should come into sport, or shaving!

To be honest, if Jack the Ripper made a nice shaving soap I'd buy it off him!
Professor Blighty said:
It may be rather blinkered of me, but personally I have always hated politics, and don't think politics should come into sport, or shaving!

To be honest, if Jack the Ripper made a nice shaving soap I'd buy it off him!

:lol: I'd have he's blade.
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