Monday January 4, 2010
I've managed to avoid

RAD - Razor acquisition disorder
BAD - Brush acquisition disorder
SAD - Soap acquisition disorder
CAD - Cream acquisition disorder
ASAD - Aftershave acquisition disorder
HAD - Hone acquisition disorder

But I'm getting caught with Straight Razor acquisition disorder, just won another vintage on the bay. This time a barbers notch, will wait and see if its a keeper or a junker over the next few days TBH I think its that gamble which is fun thing.
This is funny, I can picture us bidding on the same items.

It is oh so satisfying to turn a razor from dull to popping hairs all on one coticule though :hungrig
RAD and HAD are only ones I haven't been afflicted with and probably never will. I've got the hones needed for lifetime. Unless they get lost, broken, or stolen I won't be getting another hone.
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