Silver Birch Brushes

Saturday March 18, 2017
Bangor Northern Irealnd
View attachment 3071222538199_1713633065335307_221208956_n.jpg22547515_1713633082001972_613447830_n.jpg22523822_1713633488668598_2063781136_n.jpg22686916_1720308491334431_1143377867_n.jpg22709850_1720312834667330_1278519313_n.jpg22885768_185791498636193_7241848375340665303_n.jpg22886179_185791535302856_8269162071302395649_n.jpg23163599_1733938706638076_1605482842_n.jpg23032414_186588341889842_3018112045732628161_n.jpg I bought a lathe and started turning and found that I enjoyed it, from candle holders to ring holders and then started practicing with pine and some wood that i had cut down from a few years ago. I wasn't really getting anywhere until i put more money into better chisels and a chuck. Took a trip to a local shop that specializes in imported wood and found that was nicer to turn than what I had been using so these are the results so farView attachment 3071222538199_1713633065335307_221208956_n.jpg22547515_1713633082001972_613447830_n.jpg22523822_1713633488668598_2063781136_n.jpg22686916_1720308491334431_1143377867_n.jpg22709850_1720312834667330_1278519313_n.jpg22885768_185791498636193_7241848375340665303_n.jpg22886179_185791535302856_8269162071302395649_n.jpg23163599_1733938706638076_1605482842_n.jpg23032414_186588341889842_3018112045732628161_n.jpg
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Lovely stuff for sure.

I dabble in guitars and it's good to see some of my favourite woods from that side of things in the shaving world. Some of them like the Cocobolo are supposed to be pretty nasty for the lungs so I hope you're taking precautions!

Yeah its surprising how toxic some of the wood dust can be, I have 3M filtration mask and when sanding make sure the dust extraction is on, I have Cocobolo that i haven't turned yet, I want some Bocote and Chamfuta to turn next, would love to get some blue Mahoe wood but its costly and hard to get.

Yeah its surprising how toxic some of the wood dust can be, I have 3M filtration mask and when sanding make sure the dust extraction is on, I have Cocobolo that i haven't turned yet, I want some Bocote and Chamfuta to turn next, would love to get some blue Mahoe wood but its costly and hard to get.

Good to hear you are using a 3M mask! On a guitar forum I frequent, one of the users who's a luthier was hospitalised after using Pau Ferro and my repair chap had to stop making guitars all together after continued exposure to ebony and rosewoods!

Blue Mahoe is something I've not come across before, a very beautiful wood for sure.

Lovely brushes though. I really like the look of the Zebrawood ones the most (I presume the ones under the pictures of the wood blanks are Zebrawood?)
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Good to hear you are using a 3M mask! On a guitar forum I frequent, one of the users who's a luthier was hospitalised after using Pau Ferro and my repair chap had to stop making guitars all together after continued exposure to ebony and rosewoods!

Blue Mahoe is something I've not come across before, a very beautiful wood for sure.

Lovely brushes though. I really like the look of the Zebrawood ones the most (I presume the ones under the pictures of the wood blanks are Zebrawood?)

You are quite correct that is the Zebra wood brush that I use, luckily I got the mask from work along with a face shield, the wood blank on the far left in the box is spalted beech from Dark Hedges which is used in Game of Thrones it is very toxic due to the spores in the wood.
Purple Heart handle finished shown with a 30mm silvertip set into it, not fixed as a 30mm tuxedo might go into this...
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