Saturday September 30, 2017
After eliminating any pre-shave prep and product from my routine last summer, this winter I made a change by not using alum and I don't really feel anything missing. I even noticed my skin feeling better, not as tight, less irritated and less dry. So I took it one step further and stopped using any astringents, including aftershaves, with hazel etc. Just a cold water rinse and non-alcoholic balm/cream give me the best post-shave feeling.


I may indulge in an AS splash on weekends just to go through my stash, but I think I'm going to keep improving my technique and aim for clean, irritation free shaves. I'm even weary of using the remaining alum block for better razor grip since I feel it's just another crutch.

Oddly enough, having less steps in my shaving routine hasn't translated into less time spent shaving. However, it's become a more relaxed ritual, not feeling like a busy sue chef in my bathroom. I take my time, focus on making good lather and properly wielding the razor.

I ordered some MWF from Connaught and my next goal is to learn to make equally good lather by face lathering as I do in a bowl. I'm currently in my second year since I (re)started practicing traditional wet shaving with a DE.

Any similar experiences out there?
I can honestly state that I have never used an alum block and have used any form of pre-shave less than perhaps twenty times in my life. I think a hot shower and a top notch face wash are essential, at least for me, to my obtaining a DFS. Of course, it goes without saying that a good soap and blade are part of that package also. I have stated several times before that the great unexplored "territory" of wet shaving is the extent to which different pre-shave facial washes affect the end result. As I am not a scientist I can only offer my subjective opinion on this.
@Bogeyman I honestly think all the pre/post stuff helped me until my technique improved. Some people have great technique and still use elaborate pre/post routines simply because they enjoy it.

I use medicinal tar soap as face wash, but it's not shaving related. Waiting couple of minutes with my face lathered up is now my whole pre-shave routine. When I move to exclusively face lathering, I won't need that step either.
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