Shave of the day 2

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
Why do I always think about shaving while mowing the lawn?

Golfers - note the practice facility. Have been known to use a real ball late on a summer evening. Don't tell the Forestry Commision anyone.

The New forest Golf Club at Lyndhurst has ponies grazing all over the course, often in the middle of the fairways. No recorded hits. They have a remarkable ability to know when a ball is near. So I still sleep well after garden practice.
Fido said:
The New forest Golf Club at Lyndhurst has ponies grazing all over the course, often in the middle of the fairways. No recorded hits. They have a remarkable ability to know when a ball is near.

Maybe it's the ponies 6th sense?

or could it be the members don't tend to hit the ball down the middle of the fairway too often? :lol:

Don't tell them I said that just incase I get down there for a game at some point.
This just reminded me of being on holiday with my son when he was about 8 or 9, and walking across St. Andrew's golf course. A ball shot in front of my face literally inches away at bullet like velocity. We were on the path and clearly visable to the person who had taken the shot!! In my case, no 6th sense kicked in until the ball was whizzing past my eyes.
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