Quick advice!

Wednesday March 22, 2017
Quick advise needed, I am due to go away with work for 3 months and won't have the opportunity to get supplies so have to take shaving stuff with me. Please could
Someone suggest a good quality shaving soap that will last 3-4 months? Ideally good quality and will last 4 months

Many thanks in advance
Quick advise needed, I am due to go away with work for 3 months and won't have the opportunity to get supplies so have to take shaving stuff with me. Please could
Someone suggest a good quality shaving soap that will last 3-4 months? Ideally good quality and will last 4 months

Many thanks in advance
Get yourself a 70gm tub of OSP Shave soap, lots of scents to chose from, will easily last you 3 months or longer.
If time is an issue, pick up a couple Palmolive sticks at the nearest supermarket. If you're nearer a decent town pharmacy try for a Tabac stick or two. I usually advise the two stick route not because you'll use both, but one in the hand luggage and one in hold makes sure you've got a stick if anything happens to either bag.
Have a good trip and stay safe.

JohnnyO. o/
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