
Wednesday January 16, 2019
Here are a few things I use for pinning, sometimes the 3/16 rod does not cut it for one reason or another, so I will use these.... size 10 or 12 BA bolts with same size washers, dome head, slotted. Also a half inch rivet with 3/16 washers, you only need to peen one end, and a dome head not slotted (BA bolt ) this just tightens up onto the washer using the nut, all the nuts are " half nuts" which is half the thickness of the normal BA size. Pictures are crap but may give you a idea.20201105_220241.jpg20201105_220241.jpg
Interesting. I like the idea of being able to dismantle a razor to give it a good clean out once in a while.

Peening kit for my first set of scales, recently:


* A spoon makes a great ball hammer :) I guess the secret to this job is to hammer away with just the right amount of force: too little will take forever and too much could bend the pin. A spoon seemed to have the perfect weight.

* Axe head: a solid "anvil" to hammer against so the energy isn't dissipated.

* Flush-nose cutters were really handy to make a final adjustment to the pin length. After I'd fitted the pin & all the washers etc I could just nip a little bit off if there was too much to flatten down.

I used nickel-silver pins which were really easy to work with (ebay).

The big problem was drilling the (wooden) scales. I was sure I could manage by eye without a drill press... nope! It was kind of shocking just how bad a job I managed to do.

I got away with it though - I think because the pin hole in the blade was much larger than the pin (2-3mm v a 1.6mm pin). Even though the pin is lying at an angle, the blade can still rotate through 270 degrees and closes perfectly centered.
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