Perfect Matches & Frankenrazors

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Got a SLOC? Got a vintage Souplex?


... making a very functional plastic base which is a little, well, light with the regular Souplex cap; and, a very neat open comb Souplex, again with a little more blade presentation. The short supporting pins on the Souplex cap fit perfectly into the SLOC baseplate without protruding through.


What perfect matches have you found? What Frankenrazors have you put together?
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Gillette made the Tech.

They played mix and match every day on the various assembly lines.

Gillettstein razors abound! (that sounds better than "Frankenette")

If only they had made the Durham handle in the '20's and '30's,... and with a thin gold wash so I could have bare brass ones on my Techs, maybe some red brass ones as well.
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