No more American BS acronyms.

Friday July 10, 2009
Can we use our own? I have noticed my own use of Americanism's and I am not keen.

I propose that we establish our own.

BBS = Baby Butt Smooth > SBS = Snooker Ball Smooth

DFS - Damn Fine Shave > CCS = Cheap Crap Sofa's

I'm struggling with YMMV - Your'e Mileage May Vary, I'm sure someone can think of something.

Ummm...that's as far as I got, over to you.
I kind of agree...but as with YMMV it work's well and members use it, I'm not sure how you can stop that except to introduce your'e own interpretation.
I Like the acronym in the title Tony lol
For the record I never liked YMMV, and to be honest I think using a lot of shave related acronyms can put new forum users off posting.It took me a while to track down the acronym wiki and work out what the hell everyone was talking about on B&B.
I am all for using them less.
surely most people will take it as read that everyone will experience a difference in products used so does YMMV need to be added on all posts giving out advice?
On a recent post I used HFC instead of YMMV. No one queried it, but can anyone guess what it stands for?

I absolutely agree that the last thing we want to do is alienate anyone. I'm aware that there are already a core group of regular posters here, and there is a danger that we could come across as cliquey. I never got half the B&B jokes such as 'Art is King' or that cheddar curtain business. Hopefully no prospective member will be put off in any way.
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