New Kickstarter razor - The SmartRazor

Monday February 9, 2015
Hey, look - it has heated blades! :)

The SmartRazor


Kickstarter video:

The somewhat interesting thing is that this razor was actually introduced two years ago as well - at CES:
These catridge razors are full of gimmicks. How many more things are they going to add to them. You wont be able to pick the thing up there will be so many blades lubricatixing strips batteries etc. Its all selling points with them cartridge razors. Switching to DE shaving is the best thing iv done in a long time!
scratch scratch.. cant be a real product. doesn't have a chick in a tube top for the commercial.

heated blades were done before ww2. were not a viable economic success. but gahh. 9 dollar cartridge head, with a 30 dollar battery........ gaah. and I thought fusion bent us over the couch back...
I'm not convinced either but each to their own. I tried battery powered vibrating mach3 and fusion razors and they did nothing special. I thought it was just a gimmick. Heated blades strike me as the same. You can heat your razor in hot water: how long does it take to dip it in. A shaving scuttle will keep your lather warm as well. A lot of folk seem to be jumping on the cartridge razor bandwagon in the business world, mostly through subscription services. I hope the increased competition will drive down prices for cartridge shavers soon.
the cartridge wagon is pure profit. sell a super cheap product that doesn't last long, and make 3 dollars in profit per head.

the average consumer is um well, not very bright.

I would disagree with this, I would say that the average user, just wants a shave and be done, and gets used to how they shave, calling them not very bright is an unwarranted insult, than in my opinion seems a little condescending.
I think speed is a key too. When you are in a hurry you want a quick "scchhhhhhhoooock, scrape" shave. The results may not be anywhere near as good but you get the job done just as if I am giving my skin a rest but need to look vaguely presentabl, I will drag out an electric shaver. Even Neil Jagger admits he uses a cartridge during the week and a DE at weekends only. He does point out in another interview though that DE gives the superior shave.
unlike "neil jagger", I use a DE every day. and I can do a two or even three pass shave in 6 minutes or less. today my shave took 5 minutes because I felt lazy and it was only a 2 pass shave. WITH THE GRAIN each time. and im feeling better, looking better, then I can with a cartridge.
brush was fully hydrated in hot tap water, razor and blade soaked as well. water was still nice and warm when I started shaving. shave was great. and trumpers violet is interesting

Shaving with cartridge razors, say fusion/mach 3/ schick qautro would take 20-30 minutes. mostly just trying to unclog the razor and trying not to scream in agony.
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