MarkP...It's all his FAULT!!!

Friday January 14, 2022
As the title suggests......Having previously mentioned i was in the market for a NEW Straight Razor MarkP took advantage of my naive innocence and directed me to a certain website!?! This was a despicable and mean trick to a vulnerable novice, so much so that i feel i have been unwittingly GROOMED!?!
He took full advantage of my youthful trust by showing me NICE SHINY things, and knowing i was on a limited budget exploited my sense of values!!! He made me feel CHEAP!!! And as i kept returning to this dark web site again and again, i started to feel DIRTY!?! By know the force was strong and i was not in control, it was like a drug, i just couldn't help myself i NEEDED a FIX, i just had to have another look time and time again!!!...The more i looked the DIRTIER and CHEAPER I felt, so much so that i would increase my budget, very quickly this was starting to spiral out of control and i soon had doubled the original amount i had set myself!?!.....
Yet all the time i could feel his eyes watching me from the shadows, waiting to see what i would do? Buy now i was in too deep, i didn't care, there were shiny, pretty new things and i had to have one!!!...The sacrifices, the choices.......The endless nightmare of having to choose just one!!!......I CURSED the man that took my innocence and sent me down this dark road! MarkP was his name, a name i'll never forget, he stole my sanity and took my very sole just to make me his PLAY THING!?!....But i was trapped in his web of fantasy and mystique, and i had to find the key to unlock this horror. Eventually after what seemed like an eternity i found the RAZOR! My new RAZOR oh it WAS shiny, so SEXY, i knew right there and then i had to have it!!! Damn, and damn again! that MarkP would pay for what he has done to me!!!
Without hesitation i Purchased the new shiny sexy razor, thus leaving me broke, destitute and above all else a jibbering wreck!!!...I have been assigned my own therapist and have counselling most days. The doctors think i may NEVER truly recover from this ordeal!?! Yet when i tell anyone in authority of this MarkP and how it was HE who sent to this dark place, it seems to fall on deaf ears or nobody has heard of him!?! But be warned he IS out there and he will find you!!!

As a foot note if any of you guys can start a Go Fund Me (a Razor) scheme i will gladly accept all donations!....Nothing less than a £10 ....we don't want to look cheap now do we!?!

One Angry Badger
Haha brilliant! There lurk enablers on every thread, quietly biding their time until someone asks advice and then Boom! Never mind SotD, it's straight to LotR. My preciousssss! One blade to rule them all, one stone to grind them, one soap to spatter the wall, and in the darkness bind them.

So what did you go for?
And STILL he TAUNTS me!!!....Is there no end to his evil intentions!?!

Anyhow this is the SEXY little thing that took me unashamedly!
Joseph Allen & Sons 13/16
Black Palm Wood
Very, very slim scales, skimped dressed but hides ample charms!?!
I will upload some more photos when I get home for all to drool over!
Very nice! To paraphrase wedding speeches, it's not so much losing a load of wedge as gaining a near wedge. Or something.

A sweet looking razor, wow those scales are slim! Do make sure you give us an update or post in straight SotD when you give it a run. And watch the toe! Looks unmuted from what I can see, which is great for top lip/nostrils and side burns, but the minute you lose concentration it'll get ya! (I'm speaking from experience, maybe I'm just easily distracted but I've had one or two little nicks from the tip of my Koraat whilst focusing on the middle part of the blade where the actual shaving is happening, only to lose sight of the point, and be reminded!)
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@hotmetal......"Stupid boy Pike!".....Let you know WHEN I use it!?!.....20mins after it landed on the door mat!!! Just enough time to open the package, admire its beauty and show the wife where her money went!?!......I was shaving with it!!!
And it has to be said......It gracefully cleved 3 days worth of stubble gliding across my face like a Canadian Lumberjack on STEROIDS wearing fluffy slippers!!!
It handled like a Land Rover over rugged terrain!?! It held firm and never slipped of track and ploughed through the most awkward bits that I normally encounter!
It was an absolute pleasure and joy to use and operate! Smooth and Comfortable giving confidence all the time!
So much so I never thought of or considered the acute toe element, to the "PONIT" (Pun intended) it was never an issue!?!
Having little to no experience in Straight Razors, buy or using this does for me seem money well spent, if only for the comfort of the shave and after a x3 pass shave with minimal touch up, my face felt like it had been caressed by Linda Lusardi's (page 3 babe in my time!!!) breasts!!!

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