Mark your location on the TSR map

Monday February 9, 2015
I did this over on TSD and it was really fun to see where in the world members were living. here's a map that you, if you want, can mark where you're at.

All you have to do is the following:

1) Go to this site: TSR MAP

2) Select the menu option called "Additions"

3) Select "Add marker - simple"

4) In the box that appears type in your username on this site

5) Then click 'Click on a Map location" (and you can zoom in the map to your location and click on it - or use the type in box and enter your location - either works

6) Press "Submit"

That's it :)

Maybe it can even help with meetup plans, etc knowing how many people are around you.

If you want a list of who is on the map you can select "View" from the menu and select "View List"
Mr_Smartepants said:
Cool, nice visual aid. But wouldn't it be easier if members just update their profiles with their location?

I just thought it would be neat to have a more visual overview on one page and to answer questions quickly like "How many - and which members - live near me, in Berlin (if you're planning a trip), etc.
Just an idea :)
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