Low Profile or Right-angled USB leads

Friday July 10, 2009
Little Feckwittering-on-the-Moor

Does anyone know of a reliable supplier of USB leads - either with low profile A-plugs on or right-angled ones(specifically when looking down on the plug with the contacts uppermost that the cable exits to the right or where the cable exits vertically upwards from the 'flat' side of the plug when looking in the same way). Colour unimportant, but if it's white/ivory coloured then even better...

Got a device with a USB port on the side and I've just realised how long USB plugs are, especially with the relatively inflexible cable that they come with - for no real reason at all.
I've got some of those in the office, let me see what and where.

Here you go, I don't remember if they were actually purchased from this retailer but they look very similar.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.usbnow.co.uk/Cables-USB_Cables/c1_2/index.html?gclid=CIPdlIutx6ECFVWY2AodXElr-Q" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.usbnow.co.uk/Cables-USB_Cabl ... 2AodXElr-Q</a><!-- m -->

Just the job. Thanks antdad.
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