Lidl Edp knockoff

Friday March 14, 2014
Cotswolds edge
The hype:
designers edp knockoffs

The scenery :
Your local Lidl bargains shelf by the Polish beer just next to the Greek olives

The items:
100ml bottles in different colours

The scents:

Essence Victory smells like Paco Rabanne Invictus

Essence Aqua Fresh smells like Acqua Di Gio Homme

Essence Unicko smells like Solo Loewe

Essence Dark Blue smells like Hugo Boss Dark Blue

The lasting power of the Unicko and Victory :all day

The price :£4.99


I had my TOBS mixed with the GFT but it's all YMMV on SOTD..
Lidl's X-Bolt EDT is a pretty fair copy of Boss Bottled.
It is indeed. I bought a bottle and didn't like the scent on me. Then I tried a sampler of Boss Bottled and it smells exactly the same - I don't like it on me either.
The X-Bolt is now used as a very nice air freshener in the loo. I think I'll buy it again. :D
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