Kent Shaving Soap

Tuesday February 3, 2015
Kent Shaving Soap

I used this soap for the first time this morning and could not believe how similar it was to MWF, same slick well cushioned lather with a very slight supple variation in fragrance.

My question, is this soap really MWF marketed under another name. If so do MWF make soap for any other company to market and brand as their own?
I heard that Kent bought MWF. If the owned the company they can rebrand it as they like I guess?

.... Although to be fair I have no ACTUAL idea if this is true or not.
This subject has been discussed and known for quite sometime now, but in my opinion its not logical and can't help asking 'Why?'
When you have your own shaving Cream, quite unique, good and a respectable product like Kent Shaving Cream and Blue Beards Cream. I think they are both really good creams. Why would you go and sell a rebranded Shaving Soap?? to make it worth while they could have changed or tweeked with some ingredients.
I bought this soap based on its reasonable price point and to push an order over the free delivery limit.
It was not until I lathered it up that I recognised the quality and scent of the lather in my bowl.
On discovery of the manufacturer of this soap I looked around the internet a little and found this description on one of our vendors websites:
"Luxury Shaving Soap Refill Bar which is made in England is a fine fougere fragrance based around Patchouli, enhanced with extracts of Lavender, Pine and Clove on a spicy base of Nutmeg, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Vanilla and Musk."
Nowhere on Mitchells website or any other that I can find is MWF described as such.
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