Karve Razor from Canada to UK customs fees

Monday February 5, 2018
Hi Guys.
I've just ordered the Karve stainless steel daily shavers kit direct from Karve. I was wondering if anyone in the UK has ordered directly from Karve, and if so can you remember how much you paid in customs fee etc?

I tried looking online before I ordered, but it was confusing as to how much I would need to pay as there was conflicting information which made it hard to get a definitive answer.

Executive Shaving has this razor.

They have been out of stock for a while of it.

I've been in contact with ES and they have had a large trade order in with Karve since November. Karve seem to be struggling to fulfil large trade orders, so the wait continues.

It seems to be quicker to place my order direct with Karve, rather than wait for ES large trade order to be fulfilled.

From what Karve told me, fulfilment time and put in the post to me should be around 2-3 weeks, and then maybe another 2 weeks for it to be delivered.
Just hope they intend to carry on supplying Karve as they are quite exceptional.

That thought had crossed my mind (on if ES would still stock them) in light of Executive Shaving been waiting since November for their trade order to be sent over to them from Karve and they have now been told March at best from Karve. That was another reason why I decided to order direct from Karve in case ES decided to no longer stock them. It would be a shame, as ES are the only UK stockist of Karve.
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