James Bond GoldFinger

Monday July 20, 2009
Goldfinger was on earlier today. In the final third of the film on the small plane , Sean Connery pulls out a DE Razor. I think it's a long-handled Gillette Adjustible.

I got pretty excited when I saw that but my partner didn't see what the fuss was about. lol

sonny said:
Goldfinger was on earlier today. In the final third of the film on the small plane , Sean Connery pulls out a DE Razor. I think it's a long-handled Gillette Adjustible.

I got pretty excited when I saw that but my partner didn't see what the fuss was about. lol


Ps. I used a Sensor Excel today because I was butt-naked in the bathroom and I realised my razor had no blade in it. I was ina rush and couldnt be bothered to go downstairs to get the de blades. + we had guests. I grabbed the sensor excel and used my DE technique (brush + cream, short strokes etc, j-hook etc.)

It was a pleasant shave. Loved how fast I could go. Loved the lightness of the razor. Although, the blade was nowhere near as sharp as a DE and ATG wasn't great. My technique must be improving a little because a month ago I would have preferred the sensor excel over the DE. Now it's about equal. The brush + cream + sensor excel is a good travel combo.

Would you agree the sensor excel is the sharpest blade of the gillette cartrdige range? I always thought it was. I've used it and mach 3.

It looked like a Slim Adjustible, or a Flair Tip Super Speed :? :?
i slapped my Knife and Fork down and nearly choked on a yorkie pudding, to show my Girlfriend the Razor and she just stared at me, no words were uttered but her look said it all..............."COCK !"

Pig Cat said:
Stitch306 said:
I read somewhere (can't remember where off the top of my head) that it's a slim adjustable.

Are you talking about the razor or the..............."COCK !" :lol: :lol:

(Sorry, time for bed!)

:lol: :lol:

My better half, completely does not understand my interest in Classic Razors & Shaving, but bless her she has eyes like a hawk if we go to car boots, and she is a "Master Of The Haggle"

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