How much cream can you produce?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
I remember someone advising you only need a pea sized quantity of shaving cream to produce sufficient lather for a shave. Curiosity always got the better of me here and I always wondered how much lather a pea sized quantity could actually make.

So this evening had me undertaking the pointless exercise of finding out for myself.

Cream - Gentlemen's Tonic
Brush - Razorock 24mm Plissoft
Bowl - 2 litre kitchen maid

No whisk was used during this experiment


On your Mark. Get set. Whisk

After 5 minutes.....


I reckon getting on towards 0.75 litre. Is there such a thing as shavers wrist? The brush I think is a lather monster and the end result a very usable cream. I could have gone further with more water but not sure if I would have been cheating myself.

So I throw down the gauntlet. We all remember the ice bucket challenge, well give it your best shot in the cream bucket challenge

I'm guessing you have relatively soft water? Here (in the South East) where the water is proper 'ard a walnut sized blob will only produce enough for 2 passes :(

Actually no. I am over in East Yorkshire at my dad's place and the water is hard. It will be interesting to try this again when back home in Liverpool where it is much softer
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