How do you build up knowledge of the different scent types? - Moved from 'Shopping Links and Feedback'

Thursday August 16, 2018
The internet is good for many things, but not for experiencing scents.....

When speculating on what soaps to buy next I wish I had a better idea of what scents like vetiver, fern, juniper etc are. Any obvious place you can go to sniff the basic scents and become acquainted with them? Perfumes are mixtures, so not really helpful. I wondered about shops that sell essential oils for aromatherapy, but you can't go sniffing 90 bottles, and in any case I think they're too strong to be healthy. Am I missing anything obvious?

You're on the right track, sniffing essential oils can give a basic idea... My local health shop carries about 30 scents all with testers. Other than that its a case of trial and error, order up a shedload of samples from shavedash and you'll very quickly build up an idea of what you like.
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