Hello From Rep of Ireland.

Wednesday April 10, 2019
Hi Everyone.I signed up last April and visited the room frequently to catch up with products and techniques to use when I'm shaving, Iv been up the walls with work and have been buzy on the home front with the family.It has calmed down a bit now so I'm looking forward to getting active and involved here.Iv been DE shaving about 2 Years.
Thanks everyone for the welcome.I have really got in to the DE shaving in the last two years but to say i am new to it is untrue.I had my first experiences shave with a DE razor 30 years ago as a recruit in the Irish defence forces where I was issued with a plastic handled lightweight razor a (scraper) a shaving brush a (wobbler)and a bar of carbolic soap (Hard tack), as recruits we had to use our issued equipment for the first six weeks of training then we could go back to cartridges and tins of foam,mind you at the time It didn't upset me shaving with the issued gear.When I was a young lad growing up I remember my father shaving at the mirror wall mounted over the kitchen sink he used a gillette slim twist razor,or a black handle razor (i dont know the make or model) gillette silver blue blades or Bic blades in the yellow wrapper and a bar of knights,imperial leather,pears soap or what ever was available at the time, i am almost sure he hand lathered although he had a good selection of brushes in his tin.He stored his shaving gear in the bathroom on a shelve,he nearly always shaved at the kitchen sink because there was better light I can hear him say even to this day and I suppose it wasnt as noticable to my mother the mess he made.Happy days they were.
Over the past two years I have slowly and steadly been collecting 30 + razors my favourites being the EJ DE 3014 BL,Gillette slim adjustable (L2),Fat boy (G2)Gillette Fat handle tech 1947 (New hybrid),gillette super speed flair tip (C2) and must mention the R41 head with a ikon bulldog handle that i will only use with three or four days growth which isnt to often i shave daily for work my daily drivers are a aluminium ball end tech and a merker 42 C.I have purchased quite a few soaps and creams from online outlets because nothing is too readily available to be bought off the shelves here in Cork,besides the likes of boots and the body shop or to be fair the turkish barbers are good to buy arko and the likes.I have a good selection of blades,Astras,Derbys,Perma sharps.So that's a little about my back ground,my den,and my journey so far in the ever expanding world of traditional DE shaving.
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