Hello from a welsh exile in upminster.

Sunday October 13, 2019
Hi guys
Started de shaving a couple of years back. Bit the bullet 2 months back and shaved with a straight.
Bought a vintage restored Joseph rodgers not really sharp enough combined with poor technique leaving my top lip under my left nostril bleeding frequently!
Was going to give up and go back to de razor but thought what the hell and bought a bismark from dovo in Germany. Wow and wow. No going back now!
I've bought few others since off ebay all with welsh agents stamps on blade. I'm looking for a finishing stone. Any recommendations? Was looking at a ilr from the states but the postage was crazy more than doubling the price then vat and handling meaning a 35 dollar stone was a ton! Madness.....
What do you think I should get? I have a 8000 nagura supper coming but want a finishing stone.
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