Haven't shaved for three days...

Friday July 10, 2009
Feeling crap at the moment as I haven't been able to shave for three days. Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition. :eek: I started getting spots around my mouth and chin a few days ago. Thought I was getting run down through lack of sleep (the babe's been waking up a bit in the night recently). These didn't seem to be normal spots though. If I popped one it just turned in to a sort of sore. If I didn't pop one it turned in to a sort of sore anyway. I started wondering if I was getting in-grown hairs or if these were razor bumps. I questioned everything in my shaving routine and eventually decided to stop shaving altogether to rule it out and give my face a chance to heal.

Well today there was no change, plus there were glands up in my neck, so I went to the doctor and he told me TWO shocking things. First that I had Impetigo :eek: which my wife was quick to point out was a "scuzzy person's disease". But worse still, and even more shocking was that the doc told me to shave with an electric razor :eek: :shock: :?: .

Well, he gave me some antibiotics and I've made a start on them already. So I am giving it another day or so before I use my new Semogue boar brush and P160 for a celebratory shave. Thanks for listening. I just had to get this traumatic episode of my life off my chest.

PS And no, I don't know how I caught it!
Pig Cat said:
which my wife was quick to point out was a "scuzzy person's disease".

I love the support I get from my SWMBO - sounds about the same as yours.

Pig Cat said:
But worse still, and even more shocking was that the doc told me to shave with an electric razor :eek: :shock: :?: .

Was there an inverted crucifix and evidence of ritual sacrifice in his office? :D Get Ollie to bless your brush :lol:

Pig Cat said:
PS And no, I don't know how I caught it!

Contact with scuzzy people - they can carry it with no ill effects if they're particularly scuzzy.
I will be logging off this forum right now to give my laptop and modem a quick rub with dettol.

Whatever you got PC I dont want it :shock:

Seriously though hope it clears up and isn't too uncomfortable in the meantime.
wire brush and dettol wee man :shock:
that'll sort it

reminds me of a conversation with an old mate of mine (mid 50's)

he went to the saw bones as he had a chesty cough he couldn't shift and needed a magic pill
the doc asked him what he was taking, and my mate said "only Vicks"
so the doc asked how much/often he used it?
my mate said "'bout a spoonfull every other day" :eek:

aye, that's right, he was eating it :lol:
his old man was a Royal Marine and that's what he did when he was feeling poorly
the quack went ape-shit and gave him a right bollocking
turns out my old man used to burst blisters with a needle and pull it through with woollen thread to drag all the puss out
he also used to gargle with Pottasium Pomanganate (can't remember the name he used) which are purple crystals that you dissolve in water and was used to remove layers of skin

tell you what. the don't make like they used too

so PC, in the words of the older generation, "nowt rang wae ye, ya big jessie"
I don’t understand, why would shaving with an electric help Impetigo?

Perhaps it may be worth barbiciding your razors and also Borax your brushes and then use a fresh one each day. It could be a brush has been damp too long or a razor needed cleaned but it is infectious and the way to control it is strict isolation of anything that touches the infected area.

Use a clean towel each day, keep your nails short and regularly wash your hands and along with a steroid cream that should clear it. If you have rubbing alcohol (also known as Isopropyl) then swish your razor in it before and after shaving. I think an electric is only going to harbinger and allow the bacteria to grow, which since Impetigo is a bacterial infection would only worsen the situation.

It is treatable easily with strict routine and cream, I had excema between 14 and 21 years of age and know the routine to help when the sores became infected. i am no GP but I do not think his advice is fully though through from the point of shaving.
I too have had this several times from when I used to wrestle, practice jiu jitsu and just generally from being a scuzzball. It is an opportunistic bacteria which I would sometimes get. Never had it on my face though... If I were you I would lay off the shaving for while longer as you do not want it to spread. I've seen it spread like wildfire from friction, irritation, scratching, etc. so shaving could really do a number on your face. Impetigo is a staph infection and can get really bad, i.e. serious illness in some cases so take care.
Pig Cat said:
Feeling crap at the moment as I haven't been able to shave for three days. Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition. :eek: I started getting spots around my mouth and chin a few days ago. Thought I was getting run down through lack of sleep (the babe's been waking up a bit in the night recently). These didn't seem to be normal spots though. If I popped one it just turned in to a sort of sore. If I didn't pop one it turned in to a sort of sore anyway. I started wondering if I was getting in-grown hairs or if these were razor bumps. I questioned everything in my shaving routine and eventually decided to stop shaving altogether to rule it out and give my face a chance to heal.

Well today there was no change, plus there were glands up in my neck, so I went to the doctor and he told me TWO shocking things. First that I had Impetigo :eek: which my wife was quick to point out was a "scuzzy person's disease". But worse still, and even more shocking was that the doc told me to shave with an electric razor :eek: :shock: :?: .

Well, he gave me some antibiotics and I've made a start on them already. So I am giving it another day or so before I use my new Semogue boar brush and P160 for a celebratory shave. Thanks for listening. I just had to get this traumatic episode of my life off my chest.

PS And no, I don't know how I caught it!
I hope that your skin could get better soon.Youre gonna love the 1305 and the p160 is a fantastic soap.My best wishes!
Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm sitting here with a beard you could lose a badger in itching to shave it off. The anti-bacs are as big as horse pills and seem to be doing the trick already. I haven't got any Borax but will use Savlon to soak the razor in - hope it has a similar effect. Just to prevent reinfection really.


Hope it clears up soon PC, I was in intensive care after an op for four days and at day three asked for my razor. The nurse offered to shave me but despite the pain I managed. Growing a beard is just something I have never been able to do, it just gets too itchy for me. I am sure the itchy stage passses but I never got through it.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks Audiolab. Yes, the beard is really starting to get on my nerves now! I'm quite dark with pretty fast-growing hair, so it has made some impressive progress. Not quite Mr Twit yet, but won't be long before I'm finding bits of cheese and crumbs between meals. :lol:
Audiolab said:
You will be hanging aound with Bill Oddie soon.

That's me on the right. :D

Thanks Sonny et al. Finally had a shave this evening! Things are definitely getting better so I risked it. The hair was getting itchy and it just didn't feel right without a smooth face. Didn't go for BBS or anything near as I new I'd get at least some irritation, and I don't want to be itching and scratching too much at the moment!


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