Hand Made Razors

Sunday June 30, 2019
Hi guys,

Came across this chap on eBay and wondered if anyone knew anything about him or had bought one of his hand made razors?

Hi guys,

Came across this chap on eBay and wondered if anyone knew anything about him or had bought one of his hand made razors?

I've never had one so can't say for sure but in Neil Millers post about razors to avoid he advises to avoid any described as “knife”.
In fairness "Handmade knife" is his e bay user name, that said they seem almost too cheap to be true, the buy it now ones going for around £15, still at that price i may get one just to report back on.
I can only quote Neil Miller from the excellent guide he wrote for us.

At this point it might be useful to know what not to buy - this would include any of the new, cheap razors that you might see on places such as Ebay. They are often bundled with strops, mugs and so on, and there are usually hundreds of listings for them. A number of different companies market them - I won't list their names in an open forum, but you can message me if you want to check-up on a brand. They are usually made of inferior steel, poorly tempered, and usually incapable of either taking or holding a sharp edge. If you need to save money, buy a good used classic razor from a trusted vendor that is shave-ready, or stick with the tried-and-trusted makes such as Dovo, Thiers-Issard, etc. However, the old classic razors often out-perform (in my opinion) good new razors.

I can only quote Neil Miller from the excellent guide he wrote for us.

Man, i miss our tea and chats.
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