Grenson shoes on the bay

Saturday July 9, 2011
I've always liked Grenson and have recently decided to look into getting a new pair. I haven't looked for years, and remember the asking price used to be £200-300.

However, there are loads of Grensons on the bay for £70-80 at the moment. Anyone know about these? They could be seconds, but I'm worried Grenson are going the way of other great brands and dropping their quality. I've read a few forum posts about them being made in India, but one eBay seller tells me they're UK made.

Even the the online shoe retailers I've checked are selling Grensons for £120-160; that's cheaper than when I bought a pair in the 90's.

Can anyone here cast sone light on this? Is Grenson still a quality brand?
sounds a bit dodgy... i know grenson do have several price points though. Same as loake, who do the design range, which are made in india. But the 1880's are still UK bench made. LIkewise grenson have some cheap models for the masses, likely with glued soles. But they do still do the proper goodyear welt models.

A set of solid grensons should be costing you at least £180 online. John lewis and Urban outfitters online have some good deals on grensons.
I would be wary buying from ebay, most probably fakes at that price.
I wouldn't fret, even established shoe retailers are now selling through ebay because it's so much easier to set up an ebay shop/account rather than a proper web site and even if they were not to your liking you can easily return them for no apparent reason.
how about sharing some links.. i'll have a look and give an opinion

how about these guys:

they sell grenson online, and are a dealer ive used before for barkers / loake
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