Good shave gone bad

Wednesday January 16, 2019
Well I decided to use a razor I had bought but not yet was sterilised, honed, and was extremly sharp, it just got lost anong other blades until I noticed it last, gave it a quick strop and was very very happy with the edge...onto the shave, left cheek very smooth and buttery...then half way i felt a tiny nick...ok...continued and got another this time the blood was in full flow ....I thought...right, there must be a nick in the blade,i've damaged I finished with my dovo with no problems...sorted the bleed with alum block and AS....but the cuts can easily be seek...straight down in a line and all at a different by this time I was sure it must be a nick.....cleaned and dried and stropped then a good look thro the loupe...nothing, a nice even polished edge and still scary sharp...have you guessed yet ??, The razor was a square point, it is the only one I have, but I have never used one before...( And wont again) these things are savage.... It is NOW a roundpoint :)
I dont have a proper rotation, I just look at my blades and today!...maybe use it once or 3 or 4 set way...I think I will use the NEW roundpoint soon tho...i dont want to fear it ^_^
I've got a square point. Never had any bother with it apart from when I decided the square bit would probably be perfect for getting in under the nose or around the mouth.

I have since found other, safer methods of completing these tasks. But I love the razor.
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