Gear rotation

Friday January 22, 2021
So - after amassing a bit of gear - I’m now starting to wonder about optimal rotation .
Mind you - I’m only two months in to DE shaving , therefore my technique just keeps improving.

I’ve heard that apparently it is best to stick with one combination for longer periods of time - however I love the variety a bit too much I think :LOL:
The way I was thinking about approaching that, whilst still improving, is:

- I use blade for 3 3-pass shaves so :
Same razor used for lifetime of 2 blades
Soap + aftershave being changed at the same time as blade is.

I thought that might help me to get more familiar with my skin and it’s reaction to certain products as well as get better feel for the blades .
Either that option, or maybe one overlapping shave with same soap/as to see if there’s difference with same setup and different blade .

I’m interested to hear your opinions ! :)
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Following. I've also been wondering how others do this..

Also, for whatever it's worth, I definitely think it's beneficial to just use one setup or at least one razor/blade combo for a while.
Although I'm also kind of new to wet shaving,I've been at it a little longer; about a year and a half-ish. For the first while, I bought a few things to try, but then I stuck with my DE89 with Astras for months on end....the best part of a year in fact (only changing it up now and again with the Parker slant, if I wanted to be quick/ had a lot of hair to get rid of). I even used the same Executive Shaving menthol shave cream for 99% of my shaves.

It made me zone in on the technique more and that definitely improved things a lot. I also didn't feel like I needed to change anything. I also thought (and I'm sorry) ''oh those poor guys on the shaving forums.....!''.
Of course, I logged back on here again a couple of months ago....and since then I've gotten a Slim, three techs, a Schick Krona, a Pal Injectomatic..........a lot of software........a lot of blades...

And I don't know what the f***** to do with it all!! I love it all, but I never have any idea what to choose!!
I used to use a different razor and soap every day so I would not get bored and I would rotate through my kit quite quickly but these days I will try to use one razor and one soap for a week before I pick something else, this allows me to get a proper feel for what I'm using and it also takes the pressure off me to pick a new soap and razor every day.
You will soon get around to using all of your gear even using the week with the same stuff method and you will find you get to know what you are using far better than changing it out every day! Give it a try!
Just think, our father's and grandfather's only had one razor, one soap and probably one brand of razor blade, we are spoilt by choice but it is nice to have a choice! :)

I personally rotate my soap, but then I only have 8. I have them stored in 2s and as used I put to the bottom, so I always know the top 4 rows as I open the draw are my choice for the next shave.
Razor wise I choose depending on how my skin is feeling and how long since last shaved. I’m not a daily shaver and tend to be every other day but then sometimes I’ll go longer.
Blade is easy, I’ve tried lots of blades over the years so I only use 1 blade now which I will swap out when I feel it’s needed.
balm I use unscented, and aftershave I rarely use unless I want a menthol kick of the Snakebite.

Now I think about it I’m probably a boring example!
I stick with a razor or a particular plate for the life of a blade and then decide whether to change razor/plate or blade. Soap and brush are chosen each shave on a whim unless I'm responding to the needs of this community with an informative, technical and data led review.
We are not worthy to have you walk amongst us, we prostrate ourselves at your feet before you and await more informative and technical information and data lead reviews.
We are waiting oh great one...
After a while my skin wants a change so I alternate between efficient razor/blade combinations and milder combinations. I have two razors on the go and change blades weekly, so using each blade 3-4 times. Some of the SE blades are good for two weeks, used half the time. I use the same soap until I stop noticing the scent.
Part of the fun for me is alternating but it also gives my skin a chance to recover from a particular type of razor and blade.
I think I have an excessive stock of everything but compared with some of the chaps here...
I usually choose a razor based on how I feel and what I think my skin might take, or how quickly I need to shave.

Soaps based on mood and what might be my flavour of the day. Post shave again on what I think my skin needs and finally scent on what ever takes my fancy.

No rules and some randomness
I decide on the day. Just swap the blade to what I plan to use. I probably shave 3-4 times a week. So some times I use the same razor all week, and then some times I use a different razor for every shave that week. Then brush/soap/after shave.... Depends on how I'm feeling or how much time I have. Some soaps/creams I think are better for a longer shave time. Other soaps/creams ( like Van der Hagen) are excellent for a quick scrub'n'scrape.
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