Gaggia Baby spitting coffee everywhere

Tuesday April 19, 2011
So Saturday, I went to make my usual morning espresso, and as the coffee came out of the portafilter, it just spat everywhere. All up the walls and across everything.

Thinking I'd overfilled the basket or not tamped properly, I restarted from scratch and got the same result. No coffee in the cup, mostly some froth and everything else up the walls.

A quick Google revealed that the baskets that seem to come as standard are the pressurised variety (so you can use pods apparently), and they needed the 'perfect crema' device installed in the porta-filter. This is a small plastic lug.

On inspection, mine was missing. I'm guessing someone had used my machine and had lost the bit. All suspects pleaded innocence. So I've now ordered a non-pressurized filter, which the knowledgeable suggest is a better option anyway, along with a decent temper - as I was using the one supplied.

Downside to all this is until it arrives, I'm without my espresso in the morning. #FirstWorldProblems.
Yes it's a silly little plastic thing which gets binned when you knock the grinds out of the basket, don't be too hard on other users as it is very difficult to notice when it does come may even have been you. It really does spray everywhere :) Poor design if you ask me, you will be much better off with the new basket.
This is the offending item:
Boab - yep thats the little fella. Reading up on other forums, the general consensus seems to be that Gaggia got lazy and introduced this with the pressurized baskets so people could use the pods on their machines. Some people have managed to persuade Phillips to send out the non-pressurized baskets foc, but its not often.

The non-pressurised basket turned up today, along with a decent tamper I thought I 'needed'. won't get chance tomorrow, to use, so roll-on Saturday morn!
You did well getting rid. Ordinary basket and a decent tamp are all you need, you'll probably need to experiment with your tamping pressure until you get it right. When I first started in coffee I tamped on kitchen scales until I built up the muscle memory - didn't take long. Who knows what 30lb pressure feels like instinctively?!
First espresso made with new filter, and alls well with the world. Obviously technique needs improving again, but decent coffee is available.

I did look at the naked basket, and might venture into one a bit later.
Glad to see your morning coffee is restored, personally I was somewhat annoyed to find pressurized baskets included with my machine, and had to spend more money getting nonpressuized baskets :mad: worth the extra cash mind as they are a lot less hassle (and the coffee is better tasting IMHO) can't help but to think they should have included them with the machine in the first place. :angel:
What coffee are you using mate? Are you grinding your own? Also the beans really need to be within a few weeks of roasting to get any crema.
Thanks Boab, I had the same spitting problem. I had dropped the basket into the bin last time when emptying it + didn't notice the 'frothing jet device' or little plastic doodie had fallen out too. Luckily I hadn't yet emptied the bin! So after reading this I (well my husband actually) searched through the now full bin bag + found it! Machine is now working perfectly. So a big thank you to you!
the draught brake is cheap and good value for money. It will stand you in good stead any which way.
And it will leave you free and nicely warm to ponder what to do next.
Wouldnt adding new underlay work out best?
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