Friendly reminder

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Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
Friday July 10, 2009
As per the rules, which everyone who uses the site agrees to, we have a no politics policy. This means that politics is not an acceptable subject to discuss here, nor is it acceptable to mention in passing or mention with the purpose of having 'a bit of banter'. With this in mind please don't add statements to your post like 'It's because of brexit' or 'Trump was right when he said...' or any other derivative that may be construed as alluding to politics.
As we have seen recently political statements usually turn the thread into a slanging match which usually turns into personal attacks which means a mod has to come in and sort things out which means extra time away from them reading the forums (mods are members too remember) or cleaning spam bot PM's.
The policy for dealing with rule breaks is as follows:
Step 1: A mod will pm you with a warning, regarding your post.
Step 2: Your second infraction will result in 3 weeks on the naughty step, which means a ban.
Step 3: If you decide to continue posting in this manner your account will be removed.
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