Found a strange beast today...

Thursday April 15, 2010
A unsual Heljestrand B K 42, I´ve never seen a Helje marked with B K before. It´s allways M K before the number/s or nothing. Anyhow, I got lucky once more :D . Woohooo. Maybe it was made for another market than Sweden? Other than the marking it looks like a Helje M K 42 to me though. And get this: it was shave ready. I didn´t see that one coming. I did as I usually do with a new find, tried it on the arm and the hair just melted away without any pulling what so ever , I stropped it and tried the HHT ... popped the hair without any violin playing, just one short stroke in one direction and it broke into two pieces :eek: :D 6/8, sits in at 12/16 perfect - wich prob. means it has bean used very little.

I´m sure Neil has more to say about this one though and prob. I´m wrong all the way, in the little speculation I did.

You got there, Mikael!

The only other 'BK' I have seen had "Fabrique en Suede" or something like that on the other side of the tang - french for 'made in Sweden' so that particular one was an export for the french market. In 1876 they were using Bessemer steel, but that is probably just coincidental too as yours doesn't look that old. It isn't the initials of any of the founders (1804 = Olof Heljestrand, 1825 = Johan Olof Heljestrand, sons were Carl Viktor and Nils Fredrik. Interesting question!

Thanks Neil! You´ll be seeing her, but not for a while - I keep on shaving with her until the edge gets dull and no touch ups will help.
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